The English 10-2, 20-2, 30-2 and English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 streams are both academic English programs. There is often the need to begin in the -2 stream but with successes transferring into the -1 stream at the same level (20-2 to 20-1) is an option. Students are often encouraged to wait to do this at the 30 level as this ensures a successfully completed 30 level English course for graduation requirements.
English 30-2 allows enrolment into post-secondary programs at Institutes of Technology and Community Colleges. English 30-1 allows enrolment into these same programs and is also an essential requirement for all University programs.
*English 10-1 AP Entry, 20-1 AP and 30-1 AP offers a course of study for highly motivated and intellectually curious students with strong language skills and a desire for challenge.
It will prepare students to write the Advanced Placement external assessments and exams in grade 12, and offers the opportunity to apply to North American Universities with a more cohesive transition.
ENGLISH 10-1, 20-1, 30-1
This program sequence is designed for students whose post secondary plans include university study and/or a career that involves the development, production, teaching and/ or study of literature and media.
ENGLISH 10-1 AP Entry, 20-1 AP, 30-1 AP
This sequence offers a course of study for highly motivated and intellectually curious students with strong language skills and a desire for challenge. It will prepare students to write the Advanced Placement external assessments and exams in grade 12.
ENGLISH 10-2, 20-2, 30-2
This program sequence is designed for students who need more assistance in developing reading and text study skills. This strand features the study of text at a variety of different levels of sophistication for students more diverse in their aspirations.
Ecole Secondaire St. Albert Catholic High School is proud to have a staff of teachers that are passionate about making a difference in students’ lives through tireless dedication to education. Get to know each of our team members below.